Leadership Ethos Gauge
This tool will help you identify your strengths and opportunities for development across the seven behaviours of The Leadership Ethos.
For this interactive activity, spend some time reflecting on each of the statements below. For each, you’ll give yourself a score between 1-10, using the descriptions as a guide.
Rating Key
(1-3) Discovering
(4-7) Developing
(8-10) Sustaining
Top Tips
To make the most of the gauge, be honest with yourself about where you see your current strengths and gaps. There are no right or wrong answers, so don’t overthink it! This is intended to be a simple indicator to help you work out where to focus your attention and get started with the resources in our hub.
Rating Key
(1-3) Discovering – I’m new to this and discovering how to demonstrate it in practice.
(4-7) Developing – I demonstrate this to some extent, but could do so more consistently.
(8-10) Sustaining – I demonstrate this confidently and consistently.