Your Leadership Ethos Gauge: Summary

Date: 3rd December 2024

Here’s the summary of your answers from the Leadership Ethos Gauge. The radar chart depicts the seven behaviours of the Leadership Ethos, each of which includes the three indicator statements which you have reviewed yourself against.

Rating Key

(1-3) Discovering

(4-7) Developing

(8-10) Sustaining

Each of your scores has been summarised into those behaviours which you are:

Rating Key

(1-3) Discovering – I’m new to this and discovering how to demonstrate it in practice.

(4-7) Developing – I demonstrate this to some extent, but could do so more consistently.

(8-10) Sustaining – I demonstrate this confidently and consistently.

The Leadership Gauge
Thank you for completing the Leadership Ethos Gauge. Your results have been automatically downloaded to your device with the title “Your Leadership Ethos Gauge Summary” with today’s date. To change your scores close this box or to complete the gauge again click Start Again.

Once you’ve identified which behaviour(s) you want to focus your attention on, take a look at the dedicated behaviour page for more details on how you can demonstrate and develop each. There you’ll also find links to resources and activities to support your development.

For areas you rated “Discovering”, ask yourself: How could I begin to build my skills and confidence in this area? What do I need to get started? Who might I seek to learn from? How could I monitor my progress?

For areas you rated “Developing”, ask yourself: Which aspects of this behaviour do I find easiest and most difficult? How could I strengthen my skills and demonstrate this behaviour more consistently? What might help me to do this? Who do I see demonstrating doing this particularly well?

For areas you rated “Sustaining”, ask yourself: How can I sustain these behaviours I am already demonstrating? How will I stay on track? What channels do I have to gain regular feedback? Who can help to hold me to account as a ‘critical friend’?

Don’t forget, this is just one tool for evaluation, providing one piece of the puzzle. It’s not a complete picture of your abilities or behaviours, but it can provide a helpful place to start in understanding where you are on your leadership journey, and where you might focus your development.

We encourage you to use your Leadership Ethos Gauge to spark conversations with your line manager, mentor, trusted colleagues, friends and family.

Other things to think about:

– What other evidence do I have for how I am doing in each of these areas?

– Who could I ask for feedback?

– Which of these behaviours are most important for my current situation / role / career stage?

– Can I identify examples of when I have demonstrated each of these behaviours?

– Which are most important in terms of my values or how I want to be known?

– Where do I want to focus my attention?